Brief description of Kitora Tumulus

102About the Kitora Tumulus Special Historic Site

Kitora Tumulus is the second example discovered in Japan with murals in the style of continental Asia.
As a cultural property, it has been designated a Special Historic Site.

The only tombs in Japan having stone chambers decorated with beautiful continental-style murals are Takamatsuzuka Tumulus and Kitora Tumulus.
While regarded as dating from the end of the 7th to the start of the 8th centuries, much about Kitora Tumulus remains unknown, such as who lies buried there.

◎The tomb mound, the path to the tomb, and the stone chamber are showcases for ancient technology.

On the path to the tomb are four rows of traces left by log rails used for hauling materials.

Inside the stone chamber, murals were drawn on shiny white plaster.